Sponsors and Partner Organizations

ABC Life Literacy Canada

ABC Life Literacy Canada is a national organization created to inspire Canadians to increase their literacy skills. ABC Life connects and mobilizes business, unions, government, communities and individuals to support lifelong learning and achieve our goals through leadership in programs, communications and partnerships. ABC Life Literacy Canada envisions a Canada where everyone has the skills they need to live a fully engaged life.

Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation

The Canadian Children’s Literacy Foundation is the only national charity dedicated exclusively to children’s early literacy. It raises awareness of the importance of early literacy, promotes and develops children’s literacy initiatives, champions literacy partners, and empowers people to build literacy skills in their homes and communities. One of its campaigns called Read On Canada! supports reading advocates and food bank partners from across the country, working to get books and reading resources to children. They’re distributing books in communities across Canada through food banks with organizations like Literacy Now Burnaby.

Decoda Literacy Solutions

Decoda Literacy Solutions is B.C.’s provincial literacy organization. Decoda is committed to being a vehicle for individual and community change; a catalyst for a culture of literacy and learning for people of all ages, children, youth, adults or seniors. With a coordinated network of 102 task groups in 400 B.C. communities, they work with government, business and community organizations to achieve local literacy goals to build resilient communities, successful individuals and sustainable businesses. They respond to community needs, emerging trends and government priorities.

First Book Canada

First Book Canada’s mission is to transform the lives of children in need by improving access to educational opportunities. Through a market-driven model, First Book Canada is creating equal access to quality education – making everything from brand new, high-quality books and educational resources, to winter coats, backpacks, and more – affordable to its member network of more than 10,000 educators who exclusively serve kids in need. First Book Canada members work in classrooms, after school and summer or early childhood programs, shelters and health clinics, libraries, community programs, and other settings serving a majority of children in need. Since 2009, First Book Canada has distributed more than 7 million books and educational resources to programs and schools serving children from low-income families in Canada. First Book Canada currently reaches hundreds of thousands of children every year.

Frontier College

Frontier College is a Canadian literacy organization established in 1899 by Alfred Fitzpatrick. Founded as the Reading Camp Association, Frontier College aims to improve literacy levels in Canada by providing education to those who seek assistance with their learning and have been overlooked or left behind by the formal educational system. Frontier College runs a myriad of English-language and French-language literacy programs for children, youth and adults in many places across Canada such as community centres, shelters, farms and prisons. It was renamed Frontier College in 1919.

Ministry of Municipal Affairs, British Columbia

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs takes leadership in supporting local governments and residents to build vibrant and healthy communities that are well governed, liveable, safe, economically resilient, and socially and environmentally responsible.

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning

UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) is one of UNESCO’s key education-related institutes and is the only organizational unit in the UN family that holds a global mandate for lifelong learning. Taking a holistic and integrated, inter-sectoral and cross-sectoral approach to lifelong learning as the guiding paradigm for 21st century education, UIL promotes and supports lifelong learning with a focus on adult learning, continuing education, literacy and non-formal basic education. Its activities place particular emphasis on furthering educational equity for disadvantaged groups and in the countries most afflicted by poverty and conflict.