Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447

Multilingual Literacy

people taking group picture

Multilingualism is an important part of life in Canada. According to the 2016 census, 58% of Burnaby residents have a mother tongue that is neither English nor French. People in multilingual families in Canada can face challenges in developing English language skills while maintaining their home language. Literacy Now Burnaby has prepared the following resources in support of multilingual literacy.
Tips For Raising A Multilingual Child
21 Insightful Tips to Raise a Trilingual Child
Burnaby Public Library’s Books on Raising Bilingual or Multilingual Children
Burnaby Public Library’s
Bilingual Books for Kids
Books in Different Languages at the Burnaby Public Library
Global Storybooks Portal