Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447

Category: Activities

Literacy Now Burnaby Featured in The Vancouver Sun

Our work was recently featured on vancouversun.com! The article features Harman Pandher’s reading of his book at the Burnaby Neighbourhood House and an interview with our Literacy Outreach Coordinator, Lukas Park. It describes all of the tireless work that our organizations are doing to promote cultural understanding, children’s literacy and family values in our communities.…
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Raise-a-Reader with Harman Pandher at the Burnaby Neighbourhood House

Literacy Now is honoured to have Harman Pandher’s illustrated children’s book, Gurpreet Goes to Gurdwara: Understanding the Sikh Place of Worship at the Burnaby Neighbourhood House! Harman, himself a former member of the board of directors of BNH, came back as a visiting author to do 3 live virtual readings made possible through the Raise a Reader initiative. The local…
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