Which Jobs Are at Risk of Automation?

AI has become a big topic in the past year. You may be increasingly worried that your job will be automated. With everything we hear about AI, it can be easy to forget the value humans bring. There are still jobs that need humans, and we can understand each other in ways AI can’t. Watch this short video (no sound needed!) and find out which jobs have the highest and lowest automation risk!
The video, which shows multiple moments of nonverbal communication, reminds us that we were made to understand each other. AI will never be as empathetic as we can be. Even if we don’t speak the same language or haven’t met before, we can communicate through our expressions and gestures. As the video says, nothing translates a human like a human.
Jobs With The Lowest Automation Risk
So, which jobs have the lowest automation risk? Using Will Robots Take My Job, creative jobs, like choreographers, drama and music teachers, and architects, are among the lowest automation risk. Jobs in healthcare and in bringing comfort to others are also rated with low risk. These include jobs like counselors and therapists, doctors and nurses, and physical therapists. Many of these jobs require creativity, which is still uniquely human, or human interaction. This shows the value still placed on human interaction and comfort. You can look up the automation risk of your own job here.
Jobs With The Highest Automation Risk
Which jobs have the highest risk of automation? Will Robots Take My Job places court reporters at the top of the list. The list also includes proofreaders, office and accounting clerks, and many jobs with more manual work. These jobs are easiest to automate and likely will be automated in the coming years.
Overall, humans are unique. We bring value too, and we need to remember how much value we still bring. As for jobs, hopefully this has helped you evaluate your current job and future plans. If you’d like to learn more about employable skills, check out our skills for success page!