Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447

Digital Literacy and Short-Term Skills Training for Newcomer Women at ISSofBC

Digital Literacy and Short-Term Skills Training for Newcomer Women at ISSofBC

A free 2½ week part-time online study PLUS certification training.

Cohort 3 begins: Feb 5, 2021

The world is transitioning to digital economy. Are you equipped? Do you have the knowledge to get online and stay connected?

This is your opportunity to acquire digital skills on your own with the support of a facilitator and some mentors and gain a short-term skills certificate. Become confident in computer navigation, learn online platforms for study and job search, email set up, cyber safety and security.

For inquiries or to register:
Email: shorttermskillstraining@issbc.org
Call: 604-684-2504

For immigrant women who:
– are permanent residents and can commit to an online learning plan
– have at least CLB level 5 (LINC 6) language skills
– are interested to take an individualized short-term course/s and be job ready