Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447

Category: Family Literacy

Free Family Programs In Burnaby

This spring and summer, there are many family programs and drop ins available in Burnaby. Different community organizations offer these programs, all for free! Check out the guide below to see these free family programs. There’s something for everyone!

Literacy Now books at a book distribution

11 Banned Book Recommendations For Freedom To Read Week

It’s the 40th anniversary of Freedom to Read Week! Books and magazines are powerful ways to learn about other perspectives and beliefs, but, too often, they’re banned. In Canada, we are lucky to have intellectual freedom so we can read what we want. Below, learn more about banned books and get some recommendations! What are…
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Talking to Kids About Gender Stereotypes

Stereotypes are everywhere in our daily lives. They say what we can and can’t do, as determined by society. Even worse, we unconsciously pass these potentially limiting beliefs onto our children. So, in this blog, learn what gender stereotypes are, some common examples, and how to talk with your kids about them. What is Stereotyping?…
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A mother improves her children's cultural literacy by reading to them.

10 Books For Your Child’s Cultural Literacy!

Can you name one way to improve your child’s cultural literacy? If you can’t, we’re here to help. Cultural literacy develops communication skills, self reflection, and an open mind. To do this, try reading! There’s so many great, diverse children’s books available. In this blog, we have 10 book recommendations to improve your child’s cultural…
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3 Fun Math Games Using a Deck of Cards

Math can be tough. Lots of kids don’t like it. However, we still need to be able to use numbers. We use them every day and they’re everywhere! So, how can we make math fun? Through games! Below, we have three fun math games for kids, where all you need is a deck of cards.…
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How To Celebrate Your Heritage

How can we celebrate our heritage? Heritage has been passed down to us and continues to shape us today. Learning about your ancestry and culture can also be a fun family activity! So, why and how can you celebrate your heritage? Why Should I Celebrate My Heritage? No one is from nowhere. Everybody is born…
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1 Game to Improve Numeracy in Children

Is family literacy important? Of course it is! Children who have parents that are involved with them in family literacy score higher on standardized reading tests. This shows us that children are influenced by their parents and that parents can demonstrate the importance of literacy (and numeracy!). In this blog, we’ll explain why numeracy is…
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Family Literacy: How To Improve A Child’s Reading

As we head into a new school year, you may be wondering, how can I improve my child’s reading skills? Family literacy works on the literacy of an entire family, positively impacting the child.  What is family literacy? Family literacy is about parents or grandparents showing children how literacy is important for life. This means…
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Raise-a-Reader with Harman Pandher at the Burnaby Neighbourhood House

Literacy Now is honoured to have Harman Pandher’s illustrated children’s book, Gurpreet Goes to Gurdwara: Understanding the Sikh Place of Worship at the Burnaby Neighbourhood House! Harman, himself a former member of the board of directors of BNH, came back as a visiting author to do 3 live virtual readings made possible through the Raise a Reader initiative. The local…
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