Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447

Category: Financial Literacy

Benefits and Credits For Newcomers

In Canada, taxes make many services and benefits available. The collected tax money helps newcomers, lower income families, students, seniors, and people with disabilities.  To receive the Canada Child Benefit and the GST/HST Credit, you must be a resident of Canada for tax purposes  have a valid social insurance number (SIN) You are considered a…
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What is Phishing?

Phishing is a risk for everyone. If you’re phished, you could lose money, important information, or passwords. Keep reading to find out what phishing is, some common scams, and how to avoid it. What is Phishing? Phishing is a cyber crime. It is when a person is contacted by email, text message, or phone by…
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1 Game to Improve Numeracy in Children

Is family literacy important? Of course it is! Children who have parents that are involved with them in family literacy score higher on standardized reading tests. This shows us that children are influenced by their parents and that parents can demonstrate the importance of literacy (and numeracy!). In this blog, we’ll explain why numeracy is…
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Do I Need To Invest?

Do you need to invest? There are definitely a lot of reasons you should, so here are 3.  1. You’re Losing Purchasing Power Basically, you’re losing money every year you wait. Without investing, the value of things you can buy every year goes down. Inflation is high enough that the interest you make on cash…
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keep calm piggy bank

5 Facts About The Rising Interest Rate In Canada

The Bank of Canada raised its interest rate to 0.5 per cent on Wednesday. This increases the cost of borrowing money in Canada. Here are 5 facts you need to know about the interest rates and inflation. 1. When The Bank of Canada (BOC) raises its interest rate, interest rates at all other banks in…
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