Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447

Category: Learning

Literacy Now books at a book distribution

11 Banned Book Recommendations For Freedom To Read Week

It’s the 40th anniversary of Freedom to Read Week! Books and magazines are powerful ways to learn about other perspectives and beliefs, but, too often, they’re banned. In Canada, we are lucky to have intellectual freedom so we can read what we want. Below, learn more about banned books and get some recommendations! What are…
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What Are Your Rights At Work?

As a worker in BC, what are your rights? How can you stay safe at work? Let’s learn about your rights and responsibilities at work and what to do if you get injured. Your Rights and Responsibilities at Work As a worker in BC, you have 3 rights and many other responsibilities.  Your rights are:…
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Family Literacy: How To Improve A Child’s Reading

As we head into a new school year, you may be wondering, how can I improve my child’s reading skills? Family literacy works on the literacy of an entire family, positively impacting the child.  What is family literacy? Family literacy is about parents or grandparents showing children how literacy is important for life. This means…
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high angle view of people on bicycle

8 Ways to Become a Faster Reader

How can we maximize the amount of reading and learning in the limited time that we have?