Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447

Author: Khoa

Literacy Now Burnaby Featured in The Vancouver Sun

Our work was recently featured on vancouversun.com! The article features Harman Pandher’s reading of his book at the Burnaby Neighbourhood House and an interview with our Literacy Outreach Coordinator, Lukas Park. It describes all of the tireless work that our organizations are doing to promote cultural understanding, children’s literacy and family values in our communities.…
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high angle view of people on bicycle

8 Ways to Become a Faster Reader

How can we maximize the amount of reading and learning in the limited time that we have?

person typing on black computer keyboard

3 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts

One of the biggest challenges for computer beginners is typing. It is required for everything from a basic Google seach to signing into email accounts. Typing is an essential skill for digital literacy that is often overlooked. So here are 3 essential keyboard shortcuts that will makes typing easier for beginners. Ctrl+C (copy) Ctrl+V (paste)…
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woman using laptop

3 Ways to Easily Manage Your Online Passwords

If you’re reading this, I bet you have countless online accounts. I personally have hundreds of usernames and passwords. In this article, I’ll show you some tricks I’ve learned over the years on how to easily manage this type of data. It wasn’t long ago when people didn’t need so many online accounts. But today,…
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Feeding Hearts and Minds with Literacy Hampers in 2022

Spring and summer months are times for our literacy hampers, which are gifts of books and other learning materials included in food bank packages for the needy. 48% of adult Canadians have low literacy skills that fall below a high school level, which negatively affects their ability to function at work and in their personal…
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ISPARC Healthy Living

Workshop Event: Indigenous Physical Literacy 101

The Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council (ISPARC) is a provincial organization dedicated to improving the health of Indigenous peoples by supporting and encouraging physically active individuals, families, and communities. ISPARC’s Indigenous Physical Literacy Workshop provides an Indigenous lens and perspective to physical literacy.  Attendees will be introduced to the concept of the Holistic…
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Literacy Hampers Update

In just 10 events, Burnaby Literacy Now has already handed out over 2,000 books! Special thanks to the many generous community members from Burnaby (David, Sharon, Julie, Muna, Maria, Julia, Mario, and so many more) for their book donations. Another big thank you to these wonderful organizations and our Food Hub Librarians for making this…
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Puddles, Pines, And Petals: Adventures In The Outdoors

Early childhood educators are invited to take part in a FREE professional development seminar organized by the Douglas College ECE Program featuring Deb Smith, M.Ed. to explore Outdoor Learning Programs for kids. The event is scheduled for May 5th, 6:30 to 8:30 pm by Zoom. Outdoor nature learning is increasingly being recognized for the many…
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Hamper volunteers

Let’s Get Ready for This Year’s Hamper Project!

We are continuing the Literacy Hamper Project in April and May of this year (view last year’s recap here and here). Over 3,000 books for children, teens, and adults, as well as games, stationaries, and literacy goods are waiting to be distributed at local Burnaby food hubs. We are looking for food hub librarians to help facilitate this project.…
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keep calm piggy bank

5 Facts About The Rising Interest Rate In Canada

The Bank of Canada raised its interest rate to 0.5 per cent on Wednesday. This increases the cost of borrowing money in Canada. Here are 5 facts you need to know about the interest rates and inflation. 1. When The Bank of Canada (BOC) raises its interest rate, interest rates at all other banks in…
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