Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447


Literacy Now books at a book distribution

11 Banned Book Recommendations For Freedom To Read Week

It’s the 40th anniversary of Freedom to Read Week! Books and magazines are powerful ways to learn about other perspectives and beliefs, but, too often, they’re banned. In Canada, we are lucky to have intellectual freedom so we can read what we want. Below, learn more about banned books and get some recommendations! What are…
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A woman helping a senior lady on her phone

A Guide To Computer Help in Burnaby

Are you looking for computer help or low cost technology? Try using this guide to find the help you need! The places below offer programs where they can help you with your computer or smartphone, and most of them are free! At the bottom, there’s also a list of where you can get low cost…
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Talking to Kids About Gender Stereotypes

Stereotypes are everywhere in our daily lives. They say what we can and can’t do, as determined by society. Even worse, we unconsciously pass these potentially limiting beliefs onto our children. So, in this blog, learn what gender stereotypes are, some common examples, and how to talk with your kids about them. What is Stereotyping?…
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Which Jobs Are at Risk of Automation?

AI has become a big topic in the past year. You may be increasingly worried that your job will be automated. With everything we hear about AI, it can be easy to forget the value humans bring. There are still jobs that need humans, and we can understand each other in ways AI can’t. Watch…
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Raise-A-Reader 2023

2023’s Raise-A-Reader week is September 22-29! This campaign promotes family literacy and helps kids learn to read. Strong reading abilities have countless benefits in our lives, so the Decoda Literacy Foundation and the Vancouver Sun are collecting donations to promote this.

Is Sleep Important for Your Health?

I’m sure we’ve all woken up in the morning feeling unrefreshed, knowing we should have gone to bed earlier. Sleep is really important, but why? Why do humans need to spend 7 or more hours in bed each night, for no apparent reason? Well, when we don’t get enough sleep, our health takes the hit.…
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How to Protect Yourself From the Sun

Summer’s here! As we spend more time outside in the nice weather, we need sun protection. With every sunburn, your risk of skin cancer increases. So, let’s learn about staying safe in the sun. Why Use Sun Protection The sun emits UV rays, and UV rays are everywhere. These rays can cause sunburn. Did you…
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What Are Your Rights At Work?

As a worker in BC, what are your rights? How can you stay safe at work? Let’s learn about your rights and responsibilities at work and what to do if you get injured. Your Rights and Responsibilities at Work As a worker in BC, you have 3 rights and many other responsibilities.  Your rights are:…
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A mother improves her children's cultural literacy by reading to them.

10 Books For Your Child’s Cultural Literacy!

Can you name one way to improve your child’s cultural literacy? If you can’t, we’re here to help. Cultural literacy develops communication skills, self reflection, and an open mind. To do this, try reading! There’s so many great, diverse children’s books available. In this blog, we have 10 book recommendations to improve your child’s cultural…
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What is Cyberbullying?

1 in 4 young adults (ages 12-17) reported experiencing cyberbullying in 2018. With the increasing use of technology, it’s becoming more of a problem. So, in this blog, we’ll talk about what cyberbullying is, why it’s a problem, and what you as a parent can do to prevent it.  What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is deliberate,…
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