11 Banned Book Recommendations For Freedom To Read Week

11 Banned Book Recommendations For Freedom To Read Week

Literacy Now books at a book distribution

It’s the 40th anniversary of Freedom to Read Week! Books and magazines are powerful ways to learn about other perspectives and beliefs, but, too often, they’re banned. In Canada, we are lucky to have intellectual freedom so we can read what we want. Below, learn more about banned books and get some recommendations!

What are banned books?

When a book gets banned, fewer people are able to access and read it. They’re often banned because the book says something that the dominant group disagrees with. So by banning books, these groups can gain control of others. Banning certain books prevents people from learning about different perspectives and controversial topics. Then, people aren’t aware of other ways of doing things.

Often, banned books include themes of LGBTQ2+, experiences of marginalized groups, and feminism. So, by reading them we can learn about other perspectives. Below, we have a list of 11 commonly banned books, all of which are available at the Burnaby Public Library!

Books for Children

  • And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson (picture book)
  • My Moms Love Me by Anna Membrino (picture book)
  • Julián Is a Mermaid by Jessica Love (picture book)
  • Nasreen’s Secret School by Jeanette Winter (picture book)
  • Melissa by Alex Gino (chapter book)

Books for Teens and Adults (in ascending order by age)

  • The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
  • Flamer by Mike Curato
  • Push by Sapphire
  • Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Pérez
  • Sold by Patricia McCormick
  • Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

Want more book recommendations? Check out our blog 10 Books for Your Child’s Cultural Literacy!