Burnaby Neighbourhood House: 4460 Beresford Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 0B8
Literacy Outreach Coordinator: 604-562-3447

Raising a Multilingual Child

Raising a Multilingual Child

Saturday, April 10, 10:00am
Online on Zoom
Register online, at any BPL location, or call 604-436-5400.

Are you a parent or caregiver with a young child who is learning English?
Are you worried that your child may lose their home language or not learn English well enough? 

Join us for an online workshop, where you’ll learn practical tools to use in your daily life to support your child as they learn another language. We’ll help you create a plan for your family to help you keep your home language while learning new ones, and teach you best practices for raising a bilingual child  that is fluent in both English and their home language.

This workshop is presented by Dr. Anne Rimrott from Bilingual Family Consulting. Anne is a parent of children growing up with English, German, Bosnian and French and a language acquisition expert with a Ph.D. in linguistics from Simon Fraser University.


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